Health Benefits Of Raw Groundnuts

The South produces most of the peanuts cultivated in the U.S. Because of the way the peanut bush bends over and implants the peanut pods into the ground as they mature, some people call peanuts “ground nuts” or “earth nuts.” Raw peanuts are a moderate source of calories, but they’ll also offer plenty of nutrients that can benefit your health.

General Nutrition Information

One cup of raw peanuts contains approximately 828 calories, 72 grams of fat, 37 grams of protein, 24 grams of carbohydrates, 12 grams of fiber and 10 grams of saturated fat. These numbers constitute 110 percent of the daily value of fat, 73 percent of protein, 50 percent of saturated fat, 19 percent of fiber and 8 percent of carbohydrates. Raw peanuts have a negligible amount of sodium and are cholesterol free. Raw peanuts’ low carbohydrate-to-protein ratio makes them a good snack choice for people following low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets.

Healthy Fats

Fat constitutes 78 percent of the calories in raw peanuts, but only 19 percent of that fat comes from saturated fat, while the other 81 percent comes from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Saturated fat raises cholesterol levels and contributes to Type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease, but unsaturated fats work in reverse, actually lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease.


A 1-cup serving of raw peanuts supplies 110 percent of the dietary reference intake for niacin, 88 percent for folate, 81 percent for vitamin E, 78 percent for thiamine, 30 percent for vitamin B-6 and 15 percent for riboflavin. These vitamins help protect the levels of vitamins A and C in the body, regulate appetite, maintain healthy digestion and metabolism and aid in skin, vision and neurological health. Folate lowers the risk of heart disease and helps prevent spinal and neurological birth defects.


A cup of raw peanuts offers 58 percent of the DRI for magnesium, 44 percent for phosphorous, 43 percent for zinc, 37 percent for iron, 22 percent for potassium and 10 percent for calcium. These minerals aid in bone and tooth health, muscle contraction, blood clotting, metabolism and immune function. They also reduce the risk of certain cancers, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Serving Suggestions

Because of raw peanuts’ high fat and calorie content, consume a small amount of them as a snack or use them in conjunction with other foods. They make a great garnish for salads or autumn squash soups. Mix them with other nuts and dried fruit for a hearty, homemade trail mix. Make your own peanut butter to avoid the salt and preservatives found in many commercial brands. Sauté finely chopped peanuts with mixed vegetables for a richer flavor.

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